Tuesday, November 01, 2005


The weight of my "to do" list is palpable, like a solid concrete warehouse of stuff over my head. Every day brings more, not less, and I can't seem to find a way or a day when things feel "done"! Dumb women's magazines talk about "balance" and managing the whole work/family/life thing, and at this moment, I feel like that's just totally impossible. I'm sure that for every woman you ask, in between their times of "balance" are months and years of crazy off-kilter reeling and juggling.

What should I do first, the vaccuuming or finalize the next Board meeting? Maybe I'll get another cup of coffee first.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


20,000 killed in Pakistan. Hard to even imagine a number that high.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


They're counting on nature's resilience to break down and neutralize the pollutants in the water they are pumping back into Lake Pontchartrain. I keep thinking about what it means to be resilient, and come back into health, after having been shut down, stomped on or silenced.

And I'm amazed at how quickly the media has de-prioritized the catastrophe. With thousands perhaps still waiting to be rescued, how can this NOT still be the lead story on any national media outlet?

I have more questions than answers.

Saw a peregrine falcon today. Stunning. Binoculars helped. The world is easier to take in a narrowly-focused circle of glass.

Prince Wasabi

Nugget Head found his way onto our tiny terrace to lie in the sun. Warm, well-fed, not a care in the world. Must be nice.