Thursday, October 05, 2006

Night Surfing

I don't know what I did with downtime before the internet. I just downloaded a few new mac widgets, googled a few friends, checked my myspace new friends, looked at the earth from a satellite orbiting over us right now, and updated this blog.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Blade conspiracy

I like my legs hair-free but getting a good clean shave is getting more and more difficult, and more expensive, too! It seems that these days all of the female razors (and mens' razors, too) include a "moisture strip" or an "aloe strip". They claim that this allows the razor to "glide" more easily and supposedly moisturize your skin as well. But here's the deal: the razor works great when you first use it, but then as the "moisture strip" gets wet, it expands, lifting the blades away from your skin, making it impossible to get a close shave.

So basically, after you've used a blade once, every time after that is dramatically less and less effective. Man, that's an expensive disposable shaver! It's around 20 bucks for 8 cartridges.

I can't find any blades without this "moisture strip", except the bargain-basement kind with 500 to a bag for 99cents, and I can't seem to ever use those without nicking my ankles. I hate those little sharp snags.

The razor companies know about all this, I'm sure. They're laughing at how something so obvious is just accepted. We just keep paying for those new blades, since we keep needing to shave!

I've looked at the other choices to shaving. There's waxing....ouch! And there's that stinky-smelling Nair stuff we all tried as teenagers. But give me suds and a fresh blade and I'm smooth as silk.

So that's that. I'm stuck buying the pricey cartridges and growling as I'm shaving and showering!